Laxatives have been the number one category in over-the-counter medications for decades, and are probably the most unneccesary pills...

The Sweet Smell of....Stress!
Because of the tremendous passion people have lately for essential oils I want to state at the outset that I have worked with them in my...

No Pain…..No Gain….NoSAIDs
A report this week warned that regular use of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) increases heart attack and other...

Deep-Pressed and ‘Stroked-out’?
Heard about a study this morning that links depression and stroke risk, finding that people who have been depressed have an increased...

Saw a commercial for the newest medication for psoriasis, and listened to the lengthy list of side effects, which specifically includes...

Darkness and Light: Bulbs, Concentration, Cancer, Depression and Insomnia
My daughter-in-law is an opera singer and mentioned tonight that several of the singers at her current production are complaining about...

Splenda® DOES skew blood sugar!
A new study has finally been released that showed drinking sucralose (and I believe any other artificial sweetener) significantly affects...