Coming to a "Pure Heart": The Natural Cardiac Cleanse
Cleansing isn't just for your colon! You can cleanse your circulatory system, too!

Flying To/Through/From FLU?
Planning a trip from MCO-ATL and beyond? The last thing anyone wants on vacation, over the holidays, or in the back-to-work stress...

"Test" Questions
One of my apprentices called to ask why someone would muscle-test poorly for a product that seemed to have only good ingredients. There...

Serving up stomachaches
One of my clients recently started having chronic stomach irritation, which was something she had not experienced in the ten years I had...

Laxatives have been the number one category in over-the-counter medications for decades, and are probably the most unneccesary pills...

Water, Water, EveryWare!
Everyone is selling water. At a Natural Foods trade show last week I found some that interested me, lots that didn't, and realized how...

The Sweet Smell of....Stress!
Because of the tremendous passion people have lately for essential oils I want to state at the outset that I have worked with them in my...

Take "Stock" in Leftovers!
Was sent an article this morning pointing out the value of onion skins, which are high in quercitin and other antioxidants so support...

Born Again!!
Just heard a news story announcing that Britain has released a new study showing that for women with normal pregnancies home birth is...

Whys, Hows, And Wherefor(m)s!
I was filling a bottle with a glycrine extract of licorice root for my new, Caesarian-born granddaughter and got to thinking about why I...