Serving up stomachaches
One of my clients recently started having chronic stomach irritation, which was something she had not experienced in the ten years I had...

Born Again!!
Just heard a news story announcing that Britain has released a new study showing that for women with normal pregnancies home birth is...

Whys, Hows, And Wherefor(m)s!
I was filling a bottle with a glycrine extract of licorice root for my new, Caesarian-born granddaughter and got to thinking about why I...

No Pain…..No Gain….NoSAIDs
A report this week warned that regular use of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) increases heart attack and other...

Deep-Pressed and ‘Stroked-out’?
Heard about a study this morning that links depression and stroke risk, finding that people who have been depressed have an increased...

What I would do with Ebola….
Like anyone else with anything to do with natural health care, I have been drowning in questions about herbal and other “natural”...

Super Magic Fix-Everything Formula!!
One of my apprentices walked into my office a few years ago and asked if I had seen a recent article about a new wonder-mix that would...

Parsley Posts
Saw a news feed today touting parsley’s power to “cure” arthritis pain. It’s true, but I think it’s important to understand WHY it works....

"Colorful" Behavior?
An interesting segment on NPR this week (http://hereandnow.wbur.org/2014/03/28/artificial-dyes-candy) pointed out the hypocrisy of...

“Certified” Organic Herbs??
I get lots of questions about whether the herbs I use are certified organic. Following is the quick answer I send to those questions:...