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Spring Cleaning for the Body

Genesis mentions “every food in the season thereof” which is more profound than come might have noticed. Spring and early Summer bring an abundance of greens, acid fruits and spicy flavors like spring onions, wild garlic and radishes to clean out the residue of Winter-warming starches and heavy proteins. For most of us, a Spring cleaning is a good idea, especially heading into the long hot Summer so many of us face. “Tuning up” will help you maximize the nutrient gain from our foods, providing extra stamina for Summer activities and perspiration (read: mineral loss) that goes with them. The Tiao He Cleanse has been wonderful for everyone who has given me a report. Probably any person not on a regular bowel cleaning program would benefit from this 10-day easy cleanse for the liver, colon, lymph, and parasites. Maintenance programs might include Natures 3 (delicious with pineapple juice) especially if undigested fats (i.e. cholesterol) are a problem, SE to clear excess mucous from the small intestine (frequently home to parasites), probably in combination with Herbal Pumpkin Hulls for a general bulking/fiber agent or Psyllium Seed if the bowel has a tendency to irritability’ and of course, our basic LBS, with Cascara Sagrada if peristalsis is week, or Magnesium for individuals who tend to “lock up” with tension or change. LB-X and LB Extract seem to work best with children. AG-C and AG-X may also help, especially if there is excessive gas and indication of digestive inadequacy leading to colon aggravation. Let’s get MOVING into Summer! Activated Charcoal has also been used for ages to absorb toxins, thus removing problems with gas.

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